Bath College
"Part of our strategic focus is to ensure that Bath College continues to build business links across the South West of England so the WEIoT builds on this. Developing these opportunities to enhance links with industry, as well as educational partners, can only benefit the region.
The new facility offers a brilliant opportunity for current and future students of Bath College. It is fantastic to be part of such a rigorous and innovative process working with other FE and HE establishments developing appropriate qualifications in liaison with employers.”

A place for collaboration
The combination of industry standard equipment, innovative design and city centre location will result in a unique space where businesses and learners can collaborate on digital developments, business problem-solving and exciting curriculum development that will improve the digital future of Bath & North East Somerset and beyond.
What sectors is the College supporting with its offer?
- Computing,
- Media
- Health sciences and care and
- Electronic, electrical and mechanical engineering.
The College will be delivering Higher Apprenticeships, Foundation Degrees and Degree level Apprenticeships and other Higher-Level technical qualifications.
What facilities are being developed at the site?
There will be a full re-refurbishment of two floors of the College’s tallest City Centre building and will contain:
- Brand new employer lounge
- Hardware and network labs
- Modern independent and group study areas
- VR and gaming space
Bath College’s City Centre Campus is home to the WEIoT courses oered in Bath. Students and employers have a bespoke space, purpose-designed for training students and apprentices in technical skills in the Computing, Engineering and Health Sciences sectors. Bath College will provide a central hub to build the workforce of the future in Bath and North East Somerset.